Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 1 144.4 lbs 4/29/13

One of my paras told me about Bob Harper's Jumpstart to Skinny book.  She was running out for lunch so I gave her some money to grab me a copy.  I read through it that evening - it is a quick read and decided I was a go!  I told several friends I was going to start - I need others to know so I can be held accountable.

I am a visual learner so I wrote out the first week of what I would eat on a piece of notebook paper so I could plan what I needed.  There were a couple of recipes I wasn't crazy about - pizza toast and something with spaghetti squash so I skipped those and just rotated through and doubled up on recipes I thought looked good.

I went to Costco and the grocery store and loaded up on everything I would need for a week.  Sunday I spent washing and prepping for the week.  This was a bit of a pain but I am SO glad I did!  I would do a couple of things differently - I would roast the Asparagus less than 10 min and definitely the veggies far less than 20min.  My thing with Asparagus has always been if it isn't cooked correctly the end can be woody.  I made sure I snapped off the ends but the full 10 min was still a little too long for my preferences.  The squash mixture was really good uncooked.  I like things a bit crunchy - I prefer chips/dip over ice cream - so I would go much less roasting time for the veggies.

This morning was REALLY difficult to get up so I only walked about 20 min.  My dog was super happy and I was very proud of myself.  I showered and then fixed the Quinoa Rancheros - very filling and delicious!  My boys were super happy because I fixed them eggs as well!  I wish I would have torn the spinach the night before to save me a little time this morning.  Today definitely gave me the incentive to get up earlier tomorrow to walk and have breakfast.

I am a good water drinker but this plan has me drinking WAY more than I am used to.  Bob was right - you will be going to the bathroom a LOT more but I am really looking forward to cleansing my system with a healthy plan and not a silly juice fast!  

My stomach started growling at 11 and I like to put off lunch until about 12:30 so my snack bowl of broccoli, cauliflower, mini cucumbers, and grape tomatoes will do the trick.  I will carry the snack bowl wherever I go.  I like that it doesn't need refrigerated and also satisfies my need for crunch.  My weakest time for eating bad things is right after school when I go home.  With having food already cleaned, ready and with me, I will break that habit.

My goal is 120 - I am only 5'3.  I know I won't achieve that much weight loss in 3 weeks but I do know with a little "jump start" I will be on my way!